Gastfreund Blog

Chats and push notifications in the hotel industry – communication with guests is more important than ever

Whether on vacation or at home, almost all young people (90%), but also more than two thirds of over 50-year-olds, are in close contact with their families and friends via messenger services such as WhatsApp and Co.* Chatting has become an integral part of everyday life and one of the most popular ways to communicate. Hosts should also take advantage of this. Without having to search, call or wait at reception, hoteliers can answer their guests’ questions in no time at all – this strengthens guest loyalty, relieves the reception desk and also increases direct bookings. But how do hoteliers actually use chats and push messages?

Digital perspective

Digital communication is more important than ever. Social media, website chats or even messengers such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and the like are often the means of choice today when it comes to simple informal communication. Chats in combination with push notifications are also being used more and more frequently between hotels and guests. They simplify communication – no matter how great the distance between the two parties.

Consistent, uncomplicated and friendly interaction between guest and host is ultimately the prerequisite for positive experiences and lasting relationships. And this is exactly what hoteliers should encourage with every contact. Starting with inspiration, through to planning, booking, the stay and after departure. Along the entire guest journey, chats and push messages, for example, make the guest’s stay more comfortable and quickly clarify open points.

Comfortable, digital guest communication

In addition to online search engines, Digital Guest Directories are also very popular among guests as a source of information. Hoteliers use them to provide their guests everything they need: Important information about the hotel, personal restaurant recommendations, great excursion tips and direct inquiry and booking options. Guests always have everything on hand, which normally brings an endless research on the internet within. Digital communication via your own end device (Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD for short) is also particularly user-friendly, as guests are most familiar with their own devices.

Chats: intuitive and fast communication

Whether guests want an additional pillow or have questions about the checkout, hosts and guests exchange information quickly and easily via a dedicated chat – just like in a conversation between friends. It does not matter whether the guests are in the hotel or on the road. Even if guests cannot be reached directly, messages are stored temporarily and delivered later. Chatting via the Digital Guest Directory by Hotelcore works like this as well:

1. Guests open the Digital Guest Directory of their accommodation, enter their wishes or questions into the message field and send it. Very uncomplicated without extra registration.

2. The hotel team receives the guest’s message, e.g. by e-mail. Hosts or the team at reception also answer directly in the same way.

Our Tip: Do not only react to the requests of your guests, but ask for example for an evaluation, refer to the evening menu or free wellness appointments.

3. So that the guest doesn’t miss a message, they will be informed about new messages via push notification on their smartphone or tablet. Back in the chat, they will of course find all sent and received messages in chronological order – just like you are used to with messengers.

Digital guest directory with different speech bubbles

Push Notifications: targeted information and offers

People pay particular attention to push notifications because they convey a high level of relevance at all times. Instead of getting lost in the guests’ e-mail inboxes, the push message appears directly on the smartphone screen. Moreover, guests will read them immediately. This makes push notifications an efficient tool not only in conjunction with instant messaging, but also for increasing sales. The right information at the right time can work wonders and increase your utilised capacity: an up-to-date wellness offer, free appointments, tips on the evening menu or exciting tips for excursions.

One content management system, countless possibilities

With the editorial system by Hotelcore, the right timing is no problem, because push notifications can be easily planned. By selecting the right circle of recipients (checked-out or guests in the hotel), hoteliers ensure that relevant messages reach the right target group.

With the content management system, hosts manage and maintain all relevant content about the accommodation at any time online. With just a few clicks, they use several channels at once, such as the Digital Guest Directory, the Hotel Newspaper and the Info Channel with news. This is important because every guest prefers a different way to inform and communicate – but for hoteliers and Co. it means much less work.

Advantages for hosts:

  • You optimize internal work processes and reduce workload of the reception team by simplifying procedures and reducing open questions.
  • You provide comprehensive information to (potential) guests. This makes the decision to book a stay or additional services easier and increases turnover.
  • You eliminate language barriers. Written communication facilitates the exchange between guests and employees who do not speak the same language. Especially if your team members use the Hotelboard to communicate with guests or with each other. They also provide information in multiple languages in no time at all.
  • You solve problems immediately and don’t have to wait for evaluations to find out about them, because not every guest goes to the reception desk when a problem arises. In this way, you transform negative experiences and create a positive guest experience.

You would like to enhance your guest communication, chat with your guests and use push messages effectively? Get in touch with us, we will show you how easy it is!

* ARD/ZDF Onlinesutdie 2022:

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