Gastfreund Blog

Managing knowledge in the hotel – In just a few steps to your digital knowledge database

Knowledge is power – and an important competitive factor in the hotel industry, too! This includes, above all, knowledge about one’s own guests, their wishes and needs, but also know-how about how to smoothly run the hotel’s daily routine. But where does this knowledge lie? Only in the heads of your employees? We show you how to make important resources easily accessible to everyone and keep them in your company in the long term.

Why do you need knowledge management in your hotel?

You probably know this, too: There is this one team member who knows the regular guests, procedures and staff in your accommodation better than anyone else. Usually this person is an “old hand” in the company and is considered to be the central point of contact for all kinds of questions: In which room does regular guest Smith always prefer to stay? Who was the right person to contact when the lift breaks? But if this person of all people leaves the company, goes on holiday or is sick, not only a valued team member, but also an extremely important source of knowledge is missing.

In addition, it naturally raises the service to a higher level if all employees at the reception can respond equally well to guests’ wishes and, for example, address regular guests by name right away. In order to keep all the internal knowledge in the company in the long term and to ensure that all team members benefit equally from it, you need the right tools and methods for efficient knowledge management in the hotel.

Everything important in one place: Manage knowledge digitally with the Hotelboard

At first glance, the term “knowledge management” may seem like a new-fangled phrase from management consultancy. But in reality, there is already a system in place in every company that employees use to manage knowledge: That may be the said “old hand” in the company who answers all the questions or a thick employee handbook that you hand out to new team members to read in their first week at work. The question is: how well does the system work? And is it fit for the future? After all, shelves full of folders and paper checklists are cumbersome, confusing and quickly become outdated.

A digital platform like the Hotelboard by Hotelcore is therefore much more suitable. In addition to its features for guest and team communication and digital task management , it has everything a modern knowledge database needs:

  • Unlimited space for process documentation, employee handbooks, organisational charts, templates for e-mails, responsibilities and contact details of employees, birthdays and much more
  • Different subject areas – “topics” – for better structuring of knowledge
  • Options for searching and filtering for an optimal overview
  • Possibility to send attachments: Tables, documents, images, etc.
  • Availability for all team members, either in the Hotelboard app or on the web
  • Automatic translation into over 20 languages for international teams
  • Maximum security for sensitive data or company secrets thanks to encryption
Laptop with blank screen on table of a cafe

Efficient knowledge management in the hotel – in 4 steps

With these four steps, you systematically build a knowledge database for your hotel team in the Hotelboard:

1. Determine knowledge requirements

2. Collect and organise existing knowledge

3. Keep knowledge in a central place and make it accessible to everyone

4. Constantly update and supplement knowledge

Easier onboarding, more efficiency and more staff satisfaction – the advantages of the Hotelboard as a knowledge database

Once filled with the most important information, the Hotelboard becomes the “hotel’s internal Google”, so to speak. All team members always know exactly where to find answers to their questions. Thanks to the intelligent search, they save minutes of browsing through folders. This is also a particularly quick and easy way to train new team members. Instead of repeatedly asking questions, they can read the relevant contents of the knowledge database at their leisure and as needed – anytime and anywhere.

But you as host, hotel director or manager also benefit from the Hotelboard: your employees work more efficiently, look after your guests even better and keep an overview at all times. Since this relieves the workload in daily work, knowledge management also has a positive effect on employee satisfaction. A win-win-win situation for guests, hosts and the team!

The Hotelboard has a lot more to offer! Find out more now at or in a non-binding appointment with us!

Image Source: ©bongkarn –

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